Daniel is Project Manager by the University of Navarra, Superior Architect by La Salle Barcelona ETSALS (Ramón Llull University) and has a Master in Restoration of Architectural Monuments by the ETSAB of Barcelona. He has worked as Project Manager in vertical and horizontal composition projects at various scales. He received a grant from the University ETSALSB, in the social housing project BarCode Housing endowed with funds from the European Union. He was an associate at OPR Architecture Studio, which later evolved into OPERA Architecture Studio with offices in Barcelona, Lisbon, Luanda and China, being Daniel responsible for the Barcelona office. During this time he managed projects and competitions ranging from urban planning to furniture design. He has been awarded several prizes in National and International Architecture Competitions. He is currently co-founder and director of the studio Septiembre.

In Septiembre Arquitectura they merge design, context, culture, art and technology to define the best strategy in the materialization of architecture. It is a multidisciplinary group focused on planning, design and construction solutions. They materialize adaptive solutions to enhance the value of the site and its environment. Founded on an international network with a local and responsive application, they offer advisory services, design consulting, project conceptualization and construction supervision. Focused on in-depth research of the ever-changing ecosystem, economic context and social environment, they shape specific solutions. Their self-sufficient interventions optimize natural resources, ensuring the viability and well-being of users and their environment in the short, medium and long term. They take special interest in unique processes that guide each project, involving unique specialists who collaborate with client feedback.
