Santiago Gil has carried out renovations in flats, houses and consulting rooms, with special emphasis on consulting rooms, which have brought him the most recognition within the profession. He was born in Medellín and studied architecture at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. His early professional experience awakened in him a passion for interior design, which led him to take a specialisation in Interior Architecture Projects at the same university. One of his vocations is to transmit his knowledge. For this reason, he is a lecturer in the Interior Architecture Projects specialisation at the university from which he graduated, and is the director of the Office Module. He has given lectures and participated in seminars in multiple settings. He is currently the director of the Colombian Association of Interior Architecture (Acai), where he leads initiatives that seek to improve the professional practice of interior design in Colombia.

The purpose of M+Group is to contribute to the order of cities, understanding the importance of the role played by real estate developers in the construction and planning of well thought-out cities. They design and develop projects with a deep aesthetic and functional value, with a high level of analytical and research, responsible at urban, architectural and environmental level. They materialise ideas through the flexible practice of creativity and the rigour of professional technique.