With more than 18 years of experience, this interior designer, who qualified in 2004, has built a solid career in the sector. She obtained her degree in Project and Construction Management at the Escuela de Arte 4 in Madrid, starting her career in a leading studio specialising in offices and restoration. In 2006, he founded his own studio, leading interior design projects and execution of works in various sectors, from restoration to retail. In 2008, he expanded his business with the opening of a showroom, specialising in integral projects for private homes. His dedication and detailed approach have been key to the success of his team, creating functional and aesthetically outstanding spaces. He has participated in four editions of Casa Decor and in the first Inside Art & Design Fair in Madrid, achieving recognition in the sector and consolidating his prestige as a respected figure in the field of interior design.

The Colegio Oficial de Decoradores Diseñadores de Interior de Madrid (CODDIM) is a public law corporation with its own legal personality, regulated by the law of professional associations, as recognised by the Spanish Constitution in Article 36. Its main function is to watch over the profession, representing and defending the interests of those who have obtained the official academic qualification in Interior Design or Decoration, ensuring compatibility between the interests of its members and those of the society they serve. The Association seeks to bring together all professionals with official qualifications, bringing added value to the profession. In short, CODDIM is made up of professionals who understand that, although individualism has its value, the real value lies in working together.
