A passionate supporter of EMAS since 1996, when she started working with the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. She has more than 20 years of experience as a trainer and consultant in environmental management and is the director of Club EMAS (Catalonia - SPAIN). She represents Club EMAS in the Committee of EMAS Experts of the European Commission and has also participated in the Technical Working Group within the "Supporting the Evaluation of the Implementation of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Regulation 1221/2009", as well as in some of the working groups of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission for the development of the sectoral reference documents (Sectors: Tourism, Construction, Public Administration, and Waste). She also collaborates as a trainer in courses on sustainability and environmental business management.

Club EMAS is a private, non-profit association made up of companies and other organisations from different sectors and sizes that have in common the desire for environmental improvement through participation in the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). It was founded in 2006 and was the first association of its kind to be created at European level. It is a member of the ENAC EMAS Verification Committee and of the EMAS Expert Committee at European level.  Club EMAS carries out projects among its partners and other stakeholders to improve the environmental performance of organisations, generates synergies and joint learning in order to contribute to a more circular economy, promotes capacity building and knowledge development of individuals and teams responsible for sustainability in companies.
